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Rotating United Kingdom flag button spinning animationΤάξη ΣΤ
Υπεύθυνη Εκπαιδευτικός : Αναγνωστάκου Αναστασία ΠΕ 06
 Στα πλαίσια της διδασκαλίας της ενότητας 2 (Unit 2,lesson 2,writing),οι μαθητές καλούνται να παράγουν μικρά ποιήματα για απλά, καθημερινά πράγματα χρησιμοποιώντας πομπώδη γλώσσα και έτσι δημιουργώντας αστείο ύφος. Στη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 3 ετών, (2012-14), με ομαδοσυνεργατική μέθοδο και κατιδεασμό (brainstorming) δημιουργήθηκαν οι παρακάτω "Ωδές":

Poem to an Apple pie
Oh, my sweet apple pie
You look perfect to my eye
You just smell so great
When in my mouth you break
And even though you taste delicious
For my teeth , you are vicious !!!


Oh, my sweet fruit flan
You look delicious but also fun !
You taste so, so great
That , like you, I could eat eight !!!
In my mouth , I feel you light
But , you're only a dessert tonight !
So amazing you smell...
Please, please, never end !!!


Oh , my sweet strawberry cake
You really smell so great!
In the fridge you look so red
And I dream you in my bed
In my mouth all your pieces taste exotic
And even your name sounds fantastic!
To my teaspoon you feel so soft
And, from the pleasure, down I drop !!!


Oh , my sweet strawberry cake
When I feel your soft taste,
I become happy to my face.
Oh! My sweet strawberry cake,
Waiting in the fridge ,
Eating your fruit drives me to Bliss Bridge!
You look fresh and great,
Oh! My sweet strawberry cake!
As I eat you , you smell nice,
So tempting in my eye!!!
POEM TO my computer
Oh! My dearest computer,
On my bread you are the butter !
I see your screen , big in size,
And I feel you are so nice !
The feelings you give me are so good,
Even better than the best of food !
With hundreds of pictures you fill my day,
All I want is to play , on you, everyday !!!

Έτος 2013-14
Στα πλαίσια της διδασκαλίας της ενότητας 4(Unit 4,lesson 3, the project) οι μαθητές κλήθηκαν να παράγουν μικρά ποιήματα με θέμα την πτώση του Ίκαρου.



Daedalus looked hard
But that didn't help much.
Icarus flew higher and higher until
He fell down into the deep sea...
Thanasis Karamoulas

When Icarus fell into the sea
Some fishermen were under a tree
And a pirate saw him
To fall near his ship
Ilias Dimiriadis

Icarus fell into the deep sea,
Because he didn't see .
Flying to the sun so close
Puts your life to a pause!!!
John Krokos